Convince Him to Marry Me Spells

   Getting a guy convinced to marry you is not that tough, but this is when the guy also loves you truly and looks into you his life partner, but what if the guy is just passing time or does not have strong feelings for you, in such a scenario you would need a free love magic spell to convince him to marry you and believe me only a convince him to marry me spell can work wonders here for you.

You can learn about free spells at

For this love spell you should always approach an experienced love psychic , but below I have a small love spell that you can perform yourself.

You would need a glass of milk or probably wine or beer, whatever your guy likes or loves to consume, add one spoon full of your saliva into it and mix it well and make sure your guy has it, do this for twenty one days, and each day once your guy drinks the liquid you have served him just say

Marry me – make me thee – you are chi”.

Moonolusius abaculusmum maryutumum”.

Ababu ababu ababu”.

Marry me – make me thee – you are chi”.

Moonolusius abaculusmum maryutumum”.

Ababu ababu ababu”.

Do note that this needs to be done on a continuous basis for twenty one days without failure and if there is a break for any reason, then you have to start all over again, also do note that the liquid you choose should be same in nature and quantity for each day. Another thing you should make sure that when you chant the words your guy should not understand that you are using some words while he is drinking the liquid. Chant the words either once or thrice, but make it the same for each day.